Thursday, February 12, 2015

Happy Anniversary!

Ladies and gentlemen, I can't believe it.  Today marks the one year anniversary of this little ole blog of mine.  What a long strange trip its been.  I'd like to thank all of you for visiting, reacting, and commenting on my work.  I'd also like to thank several of my favorite captioners, (many of whom's sites are listed on my favorites side bar.) for continuing to produce high quality captions that entertain and inspire me.  And finally I'd like to send a very special thank you out to Liz and Toxic Allie, without whom I would never had the nerve to start captioning, much less actually share them with the world.

I'd also like to share a few stats with you all.  In the year that this site has been up I've made almost 320 posts, had well over 535,000 page views, 48 followers, and countless lurkers.  Its been a blast.

Of course all good things come to an end.  I've now posted all the captions I've made.  And since I've never been the most creative or prolific writer, that means there will be a slow down in posts.  I promise that as the spirit moves me I will continue making more captions and posting them as I do, it just may take a little longer between posts.  Thank you for your patience, and thank you for such a great year.  I never thought it could go this well.  And I hope you all enjoy today's four new captions.


  1. Its been great seeing what all you've come up with in the past, and can't wait for the stuff I know you will create to be just as good if not better than before :)

  2. Hope to see new captions soon, you're a great captioneer ;) And thanks for the mention, lol.
